The man behind the super suit
Super Hubert has been known for his pyrotechnic and dare devil stunts in the iconic and extraordinary ‘super suit’ that emphasises his strikingly slim physique.
It was in the 1970’s, Hubert’s physicality was what gave him the idea of dressing like a 58 kilogram Superman. “A skinny Superman? Yeah, that’d have to be funny,” said Hubert. The name Super Hubert evolved from his appearances on the TV show: Big Dog. He was called “Hubert: Super Magician”, but it was later shortened because everyone on the show nicknamed him “Super”.
Pictured left, Hugh standing next to the canvas painted by Diana Nichol from Manilla in country NSW for the 2007 Archibald exhibition.
No ordinary life
Super Hubert has lived an exraordinary life so far, full of many deserving accolades and awards and he conintues to do extraordinary things for his community, bringing smiles and laughter to everyone.
His passion is to make people laugh! Super Hubert made regular TV appearances on the Big Dog Show and Hey Hey It’s Saturday channel 9. He also had his own Dare Devil stunts show and is a veteran entertainer, a figure in the Newcastle entertainment scene including on TV, on radio and in person. Super Hubert reached celebrity status recognition nationally and internationally over four decades.
“I live my life with my motto: What you hand out comes back, if you hand out good, it comes back. I assume nothing and never take anything for granted” says Hubert.
Born Hubert Nossiter, March 1946 in England, he was just 6 months of age when he migrated to Australia with his eldest brother and Mum on a crowded ship (with many of the emigrating war brides) to be reunited with his Australian Dad . He grew up in Sydney in a waterfront home on the Lane Cove River, a small suburb called Northwood and found his love for magic at the young age of 14 when he and his brother were taught a magic trick.
He left school at age 15 and worked in various jobs. With his first pay packet he went to the city and started to buy magic tricks from the magic shop and in the 1970’s Hubert moved to Newcastle NSW with his wife and bought a furniture factory in Teralba. It was at this factory where he started making his first big illusion and also came up with the idea of changing clothes in a phone booth (which he also built here).
Reflecting Hubert’s sense of humour, it was his idea to start his magic show dressed in traditional top hap and tails, to then announce that he needed some ‘super power for the next trick’, he would jump into the phone booth to emerge after a quick change in a superman outfit. The world’s skinniest magician!
Unique blend of magical hysteria, it’s Super Hubert!
In the early 80’s Hubert was noticed by an agent that was in the audience at one of his shows. Within 2 weeks she was managing his Super Hubert act, and the rest as they say is history! Super Hubert has achieved celebrity status in Australia and has performed internationally along with winning numerous awards for his magic, illusions and comedy. Also see awards he has won for his charity works.
– Winner of 1988 Houdini Award
– 1986-1988 Champion Magician of Australia
– Appearances on ABC TV’s Comedy Store, regular guest appearances on Young Talent Time TV show.
– Appearances on national TV show Ridgy Didge, the Today Show channel 9, regular on radio.
– Won 24 awards in magic including Best Comedy Magician, Best Stage Act 1985
– Winner of the Australian Gold Medal Award in magic
– Has the distinction of being one of a select few who can entertain audiences from 4 years old to 104 years old!
These days Super Hubert dedicates a lot of his time to charities and the people that they support. He continues to perform and entertain people from the young to old, captivating any audience.