The world’s skinniest magician & illusionist

Super Hubert is a multi-award-winning magician and illusionist that will have audiences captivated and in stitches! He can tailor shows for children or adult only audiences.

Reaching celebrity status in Australia for his Magician shows and pyrotechnic dare devil stunts, Super Hubert has been recognised internationally as the ‘World’s Skinniest Magician’. With 24 awards won, including CHAMPION Magician of Australia and the Houdini Award for best stage magic act, Super Hubert also won best Stage Act 1985 winning: “Australian Gold Medal Award in Magic”.

This man is no ordinary magician – he is SUUUUUUPER HUUUUUUBERT and he will leave your cheeks aching from laughter.

Taking enquiries & booking requests here

Taking enquiries & booking requests here